Labor Day has come and gone, the weather is getting cooler and the recreational boats are starting to get stored for the winter.

The hot summer days, high pressure, and little to no action on the water are finally passed.

Much like every other season, you will hear anglers from everywhere tell you the set in stone best way to fish in the fall.

The reality is no rules are set in stone, every body of water is unique; you have to adapt to the weather patterns and forage of your area.

The following tips will help guide you to transition your fishing along with the weather.

Fish Behavior in the Fall

As the weather changes and the water temps start dropping, bass will move away from their summer time spots in deep water.

The shorter days and cooler temps trigger the bass to start fattening up for the winter months. Bait fish such as shad, minnows, and perch start to move back into shallows, and into the creeks feeding the lake. Bass will always follow the food source.

There are 2 types of bass in this situation. The bass that will chase the bait all the way into the shallows. Then the bass that will sit tight to a drop off or other structure that is close to the shallows and deeper water. Each type is fantastic to target; the first will net you quantity, and the second will net you quality.

Which Stage are the Bass In

The weather patterns and water temperatures are the best way to determine which stage the bass will be in.

In the fall, depending on your area, the weather will have bigger swings between the highs and lows. The water will generally start to cool when this happens.

Generally, once the water starts to cool into the low 70’s, the bass will begin transitioning to their fall patterns. When the water temps are around the mid 60’s, the bass will be in a full-on fall feeding frenzy. Once the water temperature drops towards the lower 60’s, bass will start to move out to the areas that they will spend winter in.

Fishing Techniques for Fall Bass

Bass will generally be feeding on baitfish that are suspended in shallow water. Using a bottom bouncing technique is not the best choice here. Shallow diving lures such as square bills, swimming jigs, and bladed lures are all a good choice. Patterns should match the forage for the area you are in.

Finding the areas with bass are important. Unlike the summer months, bass will typically start to school up again as the water cools and the summer time stress is fading.

Finding patches of weeds, or under water structures such as logs and rocks that have baitfish close by are good indications of bass being present. If the area you find is not producing, do not be afraid to move. Mark your spot, then move on until you find them. You can always come back around to that spot later or on a different day.

With a little bit of knowledge and research of your area, you can pull limits big enough to make a pro jealous. Throwing lures at bass just because someone across the country said it was the hot lure is a sure way to have a unproductive and stressful day on the water.

Air and water temperature are important factors in determining which stage the bass are in. The local forage is also important so you can choose the best pattern with the highest probability of landing some trophy bass this fall. Be sure to give yourself every advantage on the water


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