If you ask almost anyone that goes fishing what their best memories are, more than likely you will hear fishing with my dad or grandpa.

Chances are you learned how to fish from your dad; he learned from his dad, and the cycle repeats itself

It is worthwhile to continue the cycle. Just a simple day of fishing has a greater impact than most people think.

Bonding with your child while fishing:

Let’s face it, if it does not have a screen, buttons, or a like button, today’s youth does not want anything to do with it.

When you take a child fishing, you have a great chance to impart wisdom, morals, and respect in a calm and neutral setting.

Even if you do not regularly fish, going once a year and making it a tradition can have huge impacts on your relationship. Most states even have a free fishing weekend when you do not have to purchase a license. Just be sure to look up the local laws and regulations in your state.

6 health reasons to take your child fishing:

  • Fishing teaches patience:

Patience is important, especially for children. Fishing is not a fast-paced action sport; there is definitely a down time in between catching fish. This down time is when bonding is the best.

With today’s fast-moving society, and the worlds knowledge in the palm of your hand, it’s not surprising children lack the attention span of previous generations.

An article by psychologytoday.com talks about the dangers of excessive screen time and the possible link between ADHD. Although these studies are still being conducted and the debate is ongoing. Fishing is a great alternative to today’s gadgets for children.

  • Coordination:

Coordination is important at any age. Casting, netting, and techniques used for retrieving lures all help further develop a child’s coordination.

  • Balance:

Fishing from a boat or from the shore, you will get a lot of practice balancing. Balance is important for every day activities such as walking or running.

Whether you are standing on a boat or a rocky shore, it takes time and practice to master balancing.

It is important to always wear a life jacket, and have a properly fitted life jacket on your child when you are on or near a body of water!

  • Can fishing really help boost your immune system?

You bet, a day outdoors can significantly improve your day to day health. Vitamin D is important for your body and for the proper growth of a child, read the following quote from healthline.com

“Getting enough vitamin D is important for typical growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance to certain diseases.”

We all want our children to be happy and healthy. Without supplements most people these days are not getting nearly enough vitamin D. Getting outdoors is a great way to help boost your vitamin D intake.

  • Relieving stress:

It’s not a secret that we live stress filled lives. With work, school, bills and all the other things going on in our daily lives. It’s great to get away and spend time with your family to catch some fish.

According to Science Daily life expectancy can be shortened by almost 3 years due to stress. So it is important to find ways of relieving that stress.

  • Building core strength:

Whether you are fighting that monster trophy fish you will hang on your wall, or a fish that you will inevitably add 5 inches to when you tell your friends. Fishing will strengthen your core. You use a lot of muscles during fishing from casting, reeling, to jumping for joy when your son catches his first fish.

Read Mayo Clinic’s article dedicated to the benefits of core strength here.

Please remember to obey all state and local laws while fishing. Fishing etiquette and safety are also important!

Whether you are new or a seasoned fisherman, it always helps to get every advantage possible while fishing.

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